Monday, December 18, 2006

Loose 2kg weight in 8 days with simple diet

I just loosed 2kg weight in 8 days with simple diet plan! I’m so happy when I weigh myself last Saturday. Though still overweight, my excess weight has declined from about 10kg to about 8kg. Well, I’m still working on it, hopefully can reduced another 2kg in another week of diet.

As promised, here is my simple diet plan. This is only a temporary diet plan and not difficult to follow. Well, it works when you are determined to cut down on weight. At least it works on someone like me who doesn’t have much time to exercise.

As a good practice, drink a glass of water every morning when you wake up from bed. I believe it’s to hydrate and cleanse your body and for easy evacuating bowels. (You can also try some fresh fruits or vegetable juice if you have the time)

For Breakfast, I usually drink a cup of plain oats beverage as I’m always in a rush to go to work. Then, on the way to work, I took 2 slices of wholemeal bread to complete my breakfast.

For lunch, the options are:-
1) Mee Hoon Soup + Vegetable; or
2) Porridge
; or
3) 2 slice of wholemeal bread + 1 hard boiled egg; or
4) Steam fish or chicken, or
5) Vegetables, or
6) Fruits
For me, I usually opted for option 1 or 2, as it’s easily find around my work place and it’s filling.

On dinner, the food should avoid are those of carbohydrate eg. rice, bread, flour made stuff and starchy stuff.

Dinner menu:-
1) Mixed vegetable soup (eg. carrot + vegetable + tomato)
2) Steam fish or chicken
3) Vegetable or fruit (choose either one)
4) Steam egg

Nevertheless, if hungry between meals, I usually drink a cup of plain oats beverage or eat an apple.

Aside the above, I also took some supplement maintain healthiness of my body like Chlorella and Spirulina daily to cleanse the body from the accumulated daily toxins and nourish it with the vital nutrients found in Spirulina.

The above diet is not exhaustive but a diet that I have just tried which works on me. I would share more on other diet plans I have come across from friends or some advice from professional consultant.

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